It's no secret that art is often spontaneous and all over the place and much like this article, web art seems to be exactly that and more. It doesn't surprise me that the early internet and art on the internet was largely used for political agendas and ideas or activism spreading. Very similar to what I see on the internet today. The article also mentioned a lot of web art was sexual oriented whether it be for activism and experimentation or straight up porn.

It is also no secret that even the internet now as we know it is mostly used for pornographic material, art, and most importantly communication. The term "web.art" even came from an email even though it was corrupted.

The only other thing I could think about while reading this article was all about Reddit. I don't use Reddit very often, but the things I see from it and the projects and artistic stunts are very reminiscent of the internet of old. The biggest example that comes to mind is the recent "r/place" that happened on Reddit that had pixel based real estate where trolls and artists alike could make cool stuff together. Perhaps r/place is an homage to the web.art of old.
